Tomasz Stolarczyk

front-end developer, logistics engineer


About me

I am a logistics specialist with two years of experience in working in the logistics industry. I completed a JavaScript Developer course at IT school "CodersLab". I decided to change the industry to IT because it is developmental. Working as a programmer is a job that never gets boring and has always fascinated me.


Location: Warsaw, Poland

+48 516 594 757 Send me an e-mail 🙂


BestShop is a company that offers online store management services and provides appropriate software.

Used tools / technologies: HTML5, CSS3/Sass, JS(ES6), RWD, gulp
The project was based on Adobe XD

bestshop-animation BestShop on GitHub BestShop on Adobe XD


A website design that lists the top 100 cryptocurrencies with the highest market capitalization. CryptoTrackerApp tracks prices, volume and market capitalization.

Used tools / technologies: HTML5, CSS3/Sass, JS(ES6), React.js, REST API, momentJS
CryptoTrackerApp is a final project of the JavaScript Developer course.

header-view CryptoTrackerApp on GitHub

Put things in a good hands

The project "Put things in a good hands" is a website with a simple form that will make it easier for users to donate things to trusted institutions.

Used tools / technologies: HTML5, CSS3/Sass, JS(ES6), React.js, REST API, Firebase/Realtime Database, react-scroll, react-router
The project was based on Adobe XD

header-view "Put things in good hands" on GitHub "Put things in good hands" on Adobe XD


Project of a cloned application "Snapchat", where the user can take selfie photos using the device's camera and save them to the news page, also showing unread messages.

Used tools / technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JS(ES6), React, Redux, Firebase / Realtime database, Material UI, react-webam, react-uuid, react-timeago, react-router

header-view "Snapchat" on GitHub


Project of a cloned Gmail application using React + Redux and Firebase. On the website, the user can log in using a pop-up window using Google authorization. After logging in, the user can send e-mails that are displayed on the board of received messages. After clicking on the user's avatar, the user logs out.

Used tools / technologies: HTML5, CSS3, JS(ES6), React, Redux, react-router-dom, CSS3, Firebase / Realtime Database, Material UI

header-view "Gmail" on GitHub